Coffee Shop Hours:
Monday-Saturday: 7:00am-6:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Bike Shop Hours:
Sunday - Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm
We are going to start doing online orders effective 3/20/2020 for pickup. We are migrating to an online ordering platform that can be found at
We will be updating things on our online platforms or via social media to keep our faithful customers served. We can get through this together.
Our commitment to pushing the standards of coffee and bicycle repair should be pursued with vigor. We constantly pursue ways to lessen our impact on the environment by evolving our business practices. We do this to foster a progressive employee culture that delivers an authentic customer experience.
We have a few guiding ideals. There were a couple ideas that were scratched out over a cup of coffee. There were a couple more principals were rubbed out with greasy hands while working on a bicycle or two. Some were brought to light over games and family get togethers. All these were super important values that we are constantly seeking to improve upon.
Have meeting spaces that can be utilized for free for the community to take advantage of. Creating an atmosphere that is welcoming and comfortable. During this current new conviction to stop the spread of Covid-19 we are evolving ways to do this online
Deliver the best cup of coffee we can. Constant education and training should be carefully coupled with thoughtfully sourced coffee in order to deliver a superior product. In this way we are delivering a safer cup with fewer complications as well.
Provide a high level of proficency in bicycle repair through continuing education and education to the customer and community as a whole. For us we are fortunate that this is online as well. We have been able to take advantage of a good resource of online classes to continue education in this time we are still passionate at getting better in every way
Find ways to work with the community and to give back whenever possible, as an effort to grow community around the things we love most. Without our community we would be completely lost. You are the reason we are here. Thank you!
“Our goal is to keep your wheels on the ground and rolling”
Andrew Little | Founder

This was just an idea back in 2007 when Founder Andrew Little purchased a bicycle, and the rest was history. Andrew started by painting bicycles and frequenting coffee shops. His love for bicycles led him to start Got Fixed a fully bicycle powered service. In 2011 he took a job at the Boise Bicycle Project. He attended the Barnett Bicycle Institute in 2012 and has continued education in the industry ever since. There has always been more than just working on bicycles that fueled the passion. Alley cat races, Bike polo on Sundays, daily commuting, all contributed to a collection of friends that made for good conversations over a cup of coffee.
Coffee was always an important part of day to day life. Inspired by a good friend, further education started in a Starbucks back in 2003. There were many a conversation and many a bike ride before the coffee industry decided to evolve into the third wave that we now have come to love. Bellissimo coffee advisers in Portland Oregon was one of our first partners in the industry. Our founder went there to learn side by side with some of the best trainers in the industry. The second major asset in the industry was the Specialty Coffee Association. Continuing education through the pathways in the SCA continues to refine our skills in the cafe.
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